ADO.NET Components
•Database Classes
–Access and update databases
–Uses “Managed Provider” to connect to DB
•Data Classes
–Hold data in-memory, disconnected from
–User defined structure. Does not have to
map to DB.
–“DataSet” is the key class
Database Classes
Execute database commands and make
results available.
Connection: a database connection
Command: what to execute, generally SQL
Read-only, forward-only cursor.
Connects a DataSet to
the database and can resolve changes back to DB
CommandAdaptor: Automatically generates
Insert/Update/Delete commands from a Select command (expensive!)
Connections are always made thru “Managed
Essentially the next version of OLEDB
Native, .net managed data-access components
Remember: Managed means .net
handles memory management, security etc.
Only two Managed Providers at time of
–Microsoft SQL Server, included with .net
–Microsoft OLEDB, included with .net
•Enables developers to work with existing
OLEDB drivers until managed versions available.
Data classes: DataSet
•Hold a disconnected, in-memory version of
the data
•Designed to hold >=1 table of data at
a time
–improvement over ADO where a RecordSet
could only hold a single table.
•Can model relationships between those
tables and enforce them on the client
•Save as XML with schema
•Can design visually in Visual Studio or
use DataSet
class directly – see next slide for details
•May or may not be direct representation
of database
–Note: By default, DataAdapter can
only automatically insert/update/delete direct representations of database
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